Description, Reviews (0), Related Products (9). Each player starts with two pirate hideouts on different islands, and they can use. Each island generates a specific resource: wood, goats, molasses or swords, and players can acquire gold. Catan: Junior takes place on a ring of islands where 2 to 4 players build hideouts and encounter the mysterious Spooky Island, where the Ghost Captain lives.

Each player starts with two pirate hideouts, then builds ships in order to expand their network.The Coco tiles are a fun little mechanic that are used to gain you bonuses when you purchase them. Each island generates a specific resource: wood, goats, molasses or swords and players can acquire gold. The five types of resources are cutlasses, goats, wood, gold, and molasses.Catan: Junior takes place on a ring of islands where 2 to 4 players build hideouts, and the mysterious Spooky Island, where the Ghost Captain lives. Explore the Seas Catan: Junior introduces a modified playing.Next is the resources of the game that are used to build ships and lair, or to purchase Coco tiles. Overall, Catan Junior is well-produced, durable, beautiful, and easy to use.New Zealand (NZ) product reviews by mums & dads like you - Catan: Junior (Mayfair Games).
Rolling the dice is the first step in every player turn.Gathering resources is done by comparing what the number on the dice hat has been rolled with the tiles on the board. The youngest player starts the game off by rolling the dice to determine what resources are gathered for all players. I guess castles are just cooler or something.The last pieces are the Ghost Captain, the Die, and the building cost tiles for player reference.Catan Junior is played in turns and just keeps going until one of the players has placed all their Pirate Lairs. The pirate lairs are kind of neat looking and my kids like to call them castles instead of pirate’s lairs. Each island generates a specific.Then there are the player pieces themselves, which are just simple pirate lairs and ships.
Pirates’ Lair – 1 cutlass, 1 molasses, 1 goat, and 1 wood BuildBuilding in this game consists of spending your resources towards one of three things. This can be done in any order any number of times. Whatever tile is chosen, that players gets to gather 2 of that resource from the stockpile a no one with be able to gather any resources from that tile until the Ghost Captain gets moved somewhere else.The next phase of a player turn is to build and trade. The player that rolls the 6 gets to move the Ghost Captain to any tile they want. This is when the Ghost Captain comes into play.

TradeThis is a necessary mechanic to the game to be able to get the right resources you need to build. If another player ties with you, then you remove your lair and if they pass you then they get to place their lair there.This will be a fun mechanic for the next time we play since they both love to buy the Coco tiles so much. That player gets to place one of their unused Pirates’ Liar on the island. The other two options are to place a free Pirates’ Lair or ship and to move the ghost captain.As I’m sitting here writing this and reading over the rule book again, I’ve just noticed a rule in here that I’ve never noticed before.Apparently, the player who owns the most Coco tiles is the player that owns spooky island in the center of the board.